Helping You Manage Your Pain

Learn more about osteopathic medicine and how it could help you better manage your pain.

Are you dealing with chronic, persistent or even acute pain? Does your pain impact your daily activities and wellbeing? Would you like to avoid taking painkillers or find a solution that actually treats the underlying cause of your pain rather than masks it? If you said “yes” to these questions then an osteopathic doctor may be the ideal physician to turn to for your pain.

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathic medicine provides whole-body treatment options and care, believing that all systems work and function together. For one system in the body to function properly all other parts must also function properly. Therefore, when you come into an osteopathic practice for care don’t be too surprised that your osteopath evaluates all areas of your body even though you’re coming in complaining of back pain. Osteopathic manipulative therapy improves how the nerves, ligaments and other soft tissue in the musculoskeletal system function.

What types of pain can osteopathic medicine treat?

An osteopath can treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and problems including,

  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain (two very common problems)
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Menstrual pain
  • Stress injuries
  • Pregnancy-related pains
  • Work injuries and pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Foot, ankle, hip and knee pain

How does osteopathic medicine work?

An osteopath focuses on providing a comprehensive therapeutic approach to care that is completely drug-free. Many patients find that through regular osteopathic sessions they can even prevent the need for invasive surgeries to correct painful issues they’re dealing with. There are various osteopathic techniques but some of the most common ones include soft tissue, myofascial release and cranial manipulative medicine.

When you come in for a consultation, your osteopath will perform a thorough physical examination to understand what’s causing your pain before mapping out a treatment plan. Several osteopathic treatments are often needed to see optimal results. An osteopath can also show you proper lifting techniques and stretching exercises, as well as provide recommendations for proper ergonomic, posture and stress reduction.

If you are interested in a therapeutic, holistic and full-body approach to treating your pain, then it’s time to turn to an osteopathic physician for a comprehensive evaluation.


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